Founded in 1961, the LWV-AA is a non-partisan, grassroots organization serving the towns of Acton, Boxborough, Hudson, Littleton, Maynard and Stow.
The League of Women Voters–Acton Area (LWV-AA) is a non-partisan, grassroots organization that supports and opposes issues, but not candidates or political parties. We educate citizens about issues by sponsoring candidate debates and public issue forums; conducting in-depth studies; and observing local town meetings, boards, and councils.
The League encourages informed active participation of citizens in local, county, state, and national governments, and registers eligible voters.
We take action on issues based on positions adopted by the League of Women Voters on all levels—national, state, and local.
The LWV-AA Steering Committee adopts policies and guidelines as documents governing the organization and clarifying standards for League members to follow in activities on behalf of the League.
Confirming the League’s commitment to diversity and pluralism.
Standards for League member engagement in partisan activities.
Policy on Taking Positions on Town Meeting Warrant Articles
Process for the League’s adopting formal positions on warrant articles.
Guidelines for Sustainability Practices
Practices for reducing the League’s carbon footprint.
Standards for using the Membership Fund to assist members with the cost of annual dues.
Standards for using the “All-LWV-Acton Area” email address.
Guidelines for Giving Monetary Donations
Standards for League financial contributions to worthy causes.
Contact the League
For further information about the LWV-AA:
Send an email to the Steering Committee
Or write to:
League of Women Voters – Acton Area
P.O. Box 817
Acton, MA 01720