Join the LWV-AA

Beginning February 3, 2025, the League of Women Voters (LWVUS) will launch a new, centralized membership portal. From then on, most members will join and renew through a centralized online form that will be used for all Leagues around the country, although it will still be possible to join offline. To JOIN or RENEW, click the button below.

Renew Your Membership

Once you are a League member, you will be able to update your information in the Member Portal. You will also receive an email reminder and a link to renew one year after your last renewal. If you have signed up for auto-renew, you will receive a reminder that your membership is automatically renewing.

Manage Your Membership Information

If you are already a League member, you can log into the Member Portal to update your contact and billing information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read our Membership FAQs to learn more about joining, renewing and updating your information in the Membership Portal.

If you have any questions, please contact

Why Join Us?

The League of Women Voters of Acton-Area LWV-AA is part of a non-partisan, grassroots, political organization that:

By joining, you will automatically become a member of LWV of Massachusetts (LWVMA) and LWV of the United States (LWVUS) and will receive their online publications along with our bi-monthly Bulletin. 

Through participation in League projects, you will:

Who are the Members?

Membership in the League of Women Voters, the most respected and effective grassroots organization in the country, is open to men and women of all ages. Our members make a visible difference by serving as community leaders using their experience to create positive, lasting change in our communities.

Renew Offline

Renewing online is the preferred method, but you can pay by check, if necessary, by filling out this form, writing a check payable to LWVUS then mailing them to:

LWV Acton-Area
PO Box 817
Acton, MA 01720


The form includes information for an optional donation to your local league. Read the FAQs for more information.